
FSTU Online Practitioner Training

“With gratitude in our hearts, we welcome you to participate in the first online experiential training of FSTU. As consciousness deepens in all of us, "FSTU keeps on growing. This is a unique opportunity to be more inclusive so that we can explore and develop this process together.”

Let’s take part in activating the heart of humanity!

This unique FSTU Practitioner Training Programme starts with you. Your unique experience in this profound journey of remembrance, heart-healing and transformation provides the best foundation for inspiring and supporting others, Now, when our world needs this more than ever. This training is designed to create and develop trust & confidence in your intuition and facilitate access to higher intelligence.

What is FSTU?

This is a healing system that is in alignment with the latest scientific research about Heart Consciousness, created by Kaifi Iraklis Kokologiannis.
All your energy is channelled through this gentle yet powerful technique through the heart. The mind quiets down and becomes silent as the unconditional healing flow of Love pervades your presence. This experience results in a lower(ed) level of stress and anxiety, clarity in the issues that hinder you from fully enjoying living in the moment and an expansion of trust. You will experience the joy that results from resonating with the unity that already exists, bringing you closer to the wholeness of existence. 

FSTU Online Practitioner Training

​​You will have the opportunity to experience the FSTU modality as a giver and as a receiver, experiencing the growth, the healing and the wisdom that this process awakens in ourselves, as well as in our recipients. This is one of the most complete and advanced facilitator training that will take you towards your authentic self step by step. 

With the support of an experienced team and your own personally assigned mentor who will support your learning and experience the process in private individual sessions and small group mentoring sessions.

Attending this training will develop skills that will enhance all dimensions of your life experience, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, allowing the effortless expression of your true life purpose in everything you do personally and professionally.

What will I be able to do as an FSTU practitioner?

This training is designed to create and develop trust & confidence in your intuition, as well as to facilitate access to higher intelligence and to guide others to regain and apply the power and intelligence of the heart in their day-to-day lives. Graduating from this online training program will allow you to offer Individual FSTU online sessions and facilitate online FSTU group events.

The individual sessions can be used to look at a specific issue, trauma or behavioural pattern that the “explorer” might be going through or a more persistent theme in their life - anything that blocks the natural flow of Love. The explorer might have a question, a decision to make, or just want to reconnect with the Source. In the FSTU online events, we guide groups of people  using a video communication platform to facilitate access into the space of Unity and to reconnect with the Atmosphere of our qualities.

Our work and commitment as FSTU practitioners is to guide each other, find the way back Home and anchor a new level of consciousness on this planet that is Heart Coherent, fully embodied and rooted in Love. By sharing this process, Heart-Unity Consciousness becomes more available to us and starts informing and directing our lives for the benefit of all. Sharing is Receiving!

Is this training for you?

The training is meant for you if any of the following apply:

  • You want to move beyond your usual limiting patterns of behaviour in your daily life, however successful or unsuccessful you are.
  • You want to move beyond your limitations, into your own natural capacity to expand and include life in each moment, acknowledging and introducing the innate qualities we all have.
  • You want to raise a higher level of consciousness and awareness in your personal and professional life.
  • You are interested in You are already working with people on any level: Education, Coaching, Hypnosis, Training, Facilitating, Therapists, Consulting, Team Management, HR, Body-work, Energy Workers, Somatic Release, Yoga, Spiritual Seekers, Community Leaders, Business Executives, Conscious Parenting, and want to expand your knowledge and practice.
  • You want to start working with people on any level and having conscious interactions with the self and others.
  • You would love to manifest the Heart’s Intelligence & intuition in your daily life.

Meet Kaifi the Creator of FSTU

Kaifi Iraklis Kokologiannis, the creator of ‘FSTU - From Separation to Unity’ and co-founder of Oneness Act, has been trained in and initiated into many different methods and techniques. He is a licensed HeartMath® Coach & Mentor, a facilitator’s trainer of OSHO Meditative Therapies, and a certified practitioner of DVNLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis.
For many years now, Kaifi has been working with individuals, couples, and groups worldwide. The primary sources of inspiration for Kaifi’s work have been his own life experiences and, above all, his way of living, which has been ‘on edge’ for many years. The training, courses and retreats he facilitates have moved many hearts. It continues to inspire and transform people globally, including the Conscious Healing Journey through Life & Death (Die Before You Die - The Art of Let Go).

What we offer

More than 170 hrs Online Training, taught in 4 modules over 4 months for the Online Certification, including:

  • 3 x Group Q&A sessions
  • 7 x Mentoring group-meetings (Q&A, Sharing, Meditations, Practice)
  • 8 x Individual FSTU Sessions with a Mentor
  • 20 x session exchanges with other students
  • 2 x 21-days Meditation Challenges
  • FSTU Ecstatic Dance sessions
  • FSTU Healing Journeys
  • An interactive program with a team of experienced course facilitators, led by international trainer Kaifi Iraklis Kokologiannis, supported by skilled mentors and assistants.
  • Practical tools that you will explore with and learn how to integrate into your daily life: on both personal and professional levels.
  • We have exclusive permission to use Syntropy, a blend with Art and Science, to boost your health and wellbeing. Breath pacers and relaxation videos employ the scientifically proven benefits of breathwork, art and music therapy, meditation and emotional awareness.
  • Discover the science behind the heart’s ability to heal, introducing the communication between brain and heart, heart rate variability (HRV) and the coherence role in human performance (latest scientific research from the HeartMath Institute).
  • Exercises, self-study & mentoring into a highly engaging, fully supported and professional education format.
  • Learning how to practice and guide Heart Focused Breathing Meditations.
  • Awareness Techniques & Meditations in the atmosphere of FSTU.
  • The Art of Guiding - Learn how to guide, responding in the moment
  • Final Clinic Session for evaluation as FSTU online Practitioner.

Book a free 20 minutes call with Kaifi.

We want to make sure that you feel confident that our online practitioner certification training is right for you. 

Online FSTU Certification Training

More than 170 hrs Online Training, taught in 4 modules over 4 months.

There will also be weekly meetings between the first and the last module. Between the modules you will be required to exchange practice sessions with other participants.

Module 1 Experiencing the Space that silence and stillness create.

23 February - 27 February 2022, total 44 hrs.

This first module is experiential in nature and is designed to initiate you into:

-The essence and the mystery of FSTU Healing Journeys

-Physical and emotional awareness

-The science and intelligence of the Heart

-The 4-healing waves of FSTU

It also includes:

  • FSTU Ecstatic Dance
  • Learning how to practice and guide Heart Focused Breathing Meditation
  • Awareness Techniques & Meditations
  • Group Q&A session
  • 2 Mentoring group-meetings (Q&A, Sharing, Meditations, Practice)
  • 2 Individual FSTU Sessions with a Mentor
  • 1:1 HFB session exchanges with other students (offering and receiving 1 session each week) & a 21-days Meditation Challenge
Module 1 is delivered via one live teaching block of 5 days (@5 hours/day) on Zoom

Module 2 Learning how to guide someone into the Space.

23 march - 27 march 2022, total 50 hrs

We will start learning and experiencing how to facilitate a journey into the space of Unity for someone else, understanding what it takes to be an FSTU facilitator.

This module covers (with theory and practice) these elements:

-FSTU Core Competencies of setting the foundation

-FSTU Core Competencies of co-creating the space:

  • establishing Trust and Intimacy
  • the ability to be fully conscious & present and create spontaneous connection with the explorer (client)
  • the ability to connect with the heart space and support the flow of new awareness and intuition

- Qualities of the FSTU facilitator/practitioner

- The natural movement of energy (Love-Fear-Anger-Sadness-Love) through fast and slow feelings

- Exploring vulnerability as an expression of your authentic self

And includes:

  • Awareness Techniques & Meditations
  • Learning the FSTU Steps
  • 1:1 FSTU Session exchange x3 (with observer)
  • Group Q&A session
  • 2 Mentoring group-meetings (Q&A, Sharing, Meditations, Practice)
  • 3 Individual FSTU Sessions with a Mentor
  • 1:1 FSTU session exchanges with other students (offering and receiving 2 sessions)
  • 21-days Meditation Challenge
Module 2 is delivered via one live teaching block of 5 days (@5 hours/day) on Zoom

Module 3 Working with an individual intention in the Space.

30 April - 1 May 2022 & 6 - 8 May 2022, total 44 hrs.

Going deeper in the potential of FSTU, we start working with an individual intention, allowing the intelligence of the space to activate the explorer’s (client) innate wisdom.

This module is designed to connect you with:

-FSTU Core Competencies of communicating effectively

-The ability to totally receive and support explorer’s self expression (the art of listening)

-The ability of using the language that has the greatest explorative impact on the explorer

-FSTU Core Competencies of facilitating awareness and growth:

  • The ability to integrate multiple sources of information
  • The ability of reconnecting with heart’s true purpose and being part of a Heart-connected world in daily life
  • The self-actualization process
  • -The intelligence of the Whole

-Responsibility as the ability to respond in the moment - observation, stillness, action, stillness

And it includes:

  • Awareness Techniques & Meditations
  • The Art of Guiding - Learn how to guide, responding in the moment
  • 1:1 FSTU Session exchange x3 (with an observer)
  • Group Q&A session
  • 3 Mentoring group-meetings (Q&A, Sharing, Meditations, Practice)
  • 3 Individual FSTU Sessions with a Mentor
  • 1:1 FSTU session exchanges with other students (offering and receiving 2 sessions)
Module 3 delivered via two live teaching blocks of two, respectively three days over consecutive weekends (@5 hours/day) on Zoom.

Module 4 Certification.

4 - 5 June & 17 - 18 June 2022

Wrapping everything up so that we can start sharing the FSTU blessings with the world.

In the final module, you will hone and fine-tune your skills to set yourself up as a professional FSTU Online Practitioner:

- You will gain the tools and the confidence to set up and hold a safe session space and to look after your explorers (clients) & yourself

- The basics of how to start a business and promote yourself as a FSTU practitioner

- You will be evaluated on your skills as a session giver and continue to receive the support of the team and your mentor all the way through to graduation and beyond

- Learn how to choose and use the right music for your session

- Self-Marketing and Promotion vs Attraction

And it includes:

  • Awareness Techniques & Meditations in the atmosphere of FSTU
  • Final Clinic Session for evaluation
  • Final Group sharing and Q&A sessions with Team and Mentor
  • Mentoring group-meeting (Q&A, Sharing, Meditations, Practice)
  • 1:1 FSTU session exchanges with other students
Module 4 is delivered via two live teaching blocks of two respectively, three day weekends, with eleven days in between (@5 hours/day) on Zoom

What our practitioners have to say

What are the benefits of becoming a FSTU Practitioner?

  • Reduced levels of stress and anxiety
  • Alignment between the Heart and the Brain
  • Feeling Unity with Yourself and the World
  • Enhanced Creativity
  • Emotional Intelligence and Mastery
  • Building Resilience
  • Enhanced Vitality and Energy
  • Trust in Oneself
  • Overall Wellness
  • Deeper emotional connection with the world and others
  • Deeper, Joyful and meaningful Life
  • Access to your Heart’s intuitive guidance
  • Deepen your own personal practice
  • Reconnecting with your natural Qualities
  • Access to higher Intelligence

After completion of the training you will:

  • Obtain a certificate of completion of the FSTU online Practitioner training
  • Be able to offer individual FSTU online sessions and facilitate group FSTU online events.
  • Join the FSTU community of practice & support
  • Continue your studies to get qualified for working with couples in FSTU atmosphere
  • Continue your studies to become an FSTU Ecstatic Dance facilitator

Join the FSTU Community Today

The Time is Now for Us All to Make the Giant Leap for Heart Consciousness Evolution!