Die Before You Die – The Art Of let Go
In this 5-day conscious death journey inspired by Sufis and Shamans, the space is created for deep inner transformation. Supported at times by live music, this is a powerful process that enhances your sense of profound freedom so as to flow lovingly with Life’s rhythm. Breathing, relaxing, receiving and enjoying who you really are, realizing your true nature as an essential part of the Organic Whole – these are just some of the key themes you’ll experience in these five days.
Learn more about Die Before You Die – The Art of Let Go: https://www.fromseparationtounity.com/course/die-before-you-die-the-art-of-let-go/
Kaifi, creator of ‘From Separation to Unity’ and co-creator of ‘Conscious Coaching & Mentoring’ has been trained in and initiated into many different methods and techniques. He is a licensed HeartMath® Coach, a facilitator’s trainer of OSHO Meditative Therapies and Active Meditations as well as a certified practitioner of DVNLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis.